1、2 Introduce a school by mailCompare schools in China and Canada教法选择自主学习和合作探究备课总数1教具准备ppt, textbook第 1 课时教学过程活 动 过 程个性设计教。
2、s a very enjoyable hobby. That is the whole purpose of growing a garden,1,Lesson 7 Planting Trees,2,New words,hole n. 洞 。
3、dig a hole,put the seedling inside,cover the roots and fill in the hole with dirt,How to plant a tree,8,pack the dirt a。
4、 , pack, dust, storm, dirty, northern, bottom,2,2.Answer the questions:1 When is Tree Planting Day in China2Have you eve。
5、泥土;污物,4,pack v.堆积;压实;装箱 dust n.沙尘;尘土;灰尘 storm n.暴风雨 dirty adj.不干净的;肮脏好的 northern adj.北方的;北部的 bottom n.底部;最下部,5,Tree Pla。
6、泥土;污物,4,pack v.堆积;压实;装箱 dust n.沙尘;尘土;灰尘 storm n.暴风雨 dirty adj.不干净的;肮脏好的 northern adj.北方的;北部的 bottom n.底部;最下部,5,Tree Pla。
7、orm turn into for sure in the bottom of ,1.用把装满,2. 顺便说一下,3. 沙尘暴,4. 变成,5. 确定地; 肯定地,6.在底部,5,1. Li Ming and Wang Mei were h。
8、 Trees,3,the basic steps of planting a tree,1dig a large enough hole 2put the seedling inside 3cover the roots and fill 。
9、storm 沙尘暴,When there is a dust storm ,it gets windy and dirty everywhere,6,7,Lesson 7:Planting Trees,8,When is Tree Plan。
10、 3. Li Ming saw another group of people on the hillside. 4. Wang Mei really liked the project. ,F,F,T,F,2,Read the dialo。
11、Trees,the basic steps of planting a tree,1dig a large enough hole 2put the seedling inside3cover the roots and fill the 。
12、肮脏的,dust storm 沙尘暴,Lesson 7:Planting Trees,When is Tree Planting Day in China,Think about It,Its March 12,Lets watch a f。
13、teacher for help. 3. Li Ming saw another group of people on the hillside. 4. Wang Mei really liked the project. ,F,F,T,F。
14、加减乘除运算,6. 分式与分数有哪些异同,本章学习了那些内容,分式的概念,分式的基本性质,约分,通分,分式的运算,分式的乘除,分式的加减。
15、 2掌握列一元一次不等式的步骤,并会列一元一次不等式解决简单实际问题. 过程与方法 经历由具体问题抽象出不等式模型的过程 感受实际生活中存在大量的不等关系,初步体会不等式是研究量与量之间的关系的重要模型之一,情感态度与价值观 1通过本节课的。
17、母的分式应该如何加减 如,同分母分式加减法法则 与同分母分数加减法的法则类似,同分母的分式加减法的法则同分母的分式相加减,分母不变,分子相加减,练习1:1 口算计算:1 ; 2 ; 3 ;4 ; 5 ; 6 ;7 ; 8 ; 9 ,2计算。
18、及分式性质的含义,1.甲做91个零件需7小时,则甲每小时做个零件. 乙做a个零件需7个小时,则乙每小时做个零件. 丙做a3个零件需7个小时,则丙每小时做个零件. 丁做90个零件需x小时,则丁每小时做个零件,创设情境,复旧孕新,13,2.一项。